School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) is a Department approved, school-wide framework for developing and explicitly teaching appropriate and positive behaviours. SWPBS comprises a broad range of systemic and individualised strategies for achieving important student social and learning outcomes, whilst also minimising problem behaviour among students.
Teaching behavioural expectations and acknowledging students for following them is a more positive approach than waiting for misbehaviour to occur before responding. When SWPBS is implemented well, teachers and students have more time to focus on relationships and classroom instruction.
As a school, we are looking for students who are showing our school values:
These values are visible around the school and there is a level of expectations of how students represent these values in the indoor and outdoor environments.
When students are spotted showing our school values they are awarded Dojo Points.
At the end of the week students are able to spend their Dojo Points on something from the Class Menu.
How Families can help?
SWPBS is an approach to help all students learn to self-manage behaviour. Family involvement is a key feature and important in all aspects of SWPBS.
A strong partnership between school and family is important because when families are involved, outcomes for students are better.
You can be involved in SWPBS in many ways by:
â— Reading materials distributed by the school via the newsletter.
â— Using the Positive Behaviour Matrix to role model positive behaviours
â— Verbally acknowledging and recognising when your child meets expected behaviours
â— Responding consistently and with meaningful consequences when problem behaviour occurs.
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