



Students at TPS are engaged and confident mathematicians. They value maths learning and believe they can succeed. They persevere to flexibly solve challenging problems and can clearly communicate their reasoning. They can use mathematical procedures, skills and concepts fluently with deep understanding. They work collaboratively and learn from their peers.



At Thomastown PS we value:

  • Learning for understanding.
  • Learning through investigation and problem solving.
  • Challenging tasks that promote flexible problem solving.
  • Tasks that are inclusive and provide all students with level of challenge they need to succeed.
  • Mathematical reasoning that is clearly articulated and recorded.
  • The development of number sense.
  • Growth mindsets.
  • Developing student agency through goal setting.
  • Collaborative learning and discourse.
  • Formative assessment that enables teachers to respond to the specific learning needs of each student.
  • Feedback focussed on process over performance.
  • A consistent approach and lesson structure that prioritises time for students to engage with tasks.


Curriculum Day with Michael Ymer

The staff at Thomastown Primary were very lucky to have had Michael Ymer who is an experienced mathematics teacher conduct a maths workshop. He has been involved in many state initiatives in mathematics and is currently working with primary and secondary schools throughout Australia and internationally. The staff enjoyed his enthusiastic and entertaining presentations in mathematics and ways in which students can be engaged in maths lessons.

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