Hi everyone,
Middle to Senior students will explore movie making. Students will learn about camera angles and storytelling by writing, directing and editing their own movies. They will use digital cameras to record their scenes and then use Canva to edit their films. They will have the chance explore the fantastic special effects that can be included in their films through Canva. This assignment will be completed in groups with fellow and each child will have the opportunity to actively particpate in the activity.
Grade 1/2s will continue to build on their skills using a desktop computer and its keyboard functions. Students will be introduced to programs such as MS Word, PAINT & Publisher to create documents that include; inserting borders, images from Google and our school server, style, and backgrounds to enhance their work in a creative way. The use of simple robotics will be introduced later in the term where children will investigate the mechanics and design of a model. Students will be able to build a range of working models that they can program, move and operate through coding.
Foundation will be introduced to software programs that will support and develop literacy & numeracy using BroadLearn, KidPix as well as working with basic coding and robotics through BeeBots. They will learn the components of a desktop computer and develop their keyboarding skills, using the mouse to navigate through a variety of programs available at the school.
‘Online Safety’ will be an ongoing topic that will be regularly re-visited throughout the term.
Mr C & Mrs Nguyen
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