At Thomastown Primary School we pride ourselves on our comprehensive curriculum and its method of delivery. We also offer many extra-curricular activities to cater for the students’ social, emotional and academic development.
These activities include:
- Art club
- Athletics Day (Term 1)
- Breakfast club (Every Monday and Thursday)
- Camp Program
- Canteen
- Cross Country (Term 2)
- Drama club
- Exciting incursions and excursions
- Fundamental Movement Program
- Indoor Basketball and Futsal events (Term 3 for Grades 3 to 6)
- Interschool Sports (Terms 2 & 4)
- Interschool sports training (Every lunch time)
- Karaoke
- LEGO Club
- Premier’s Reading Challenge
- School Banking
- School leadership program
- Soccer club (held every lunch time)
- Student resilience program
- Swimming Program Grades P-6
We also provide professional services which are available to all students.
These services include:
- Family Engagement Officer (Help with matters concerning school - academic, social, parenting information)
- School Nurse
- School Psychologist
- Speech Pathologist
- Student Welfare Officer